Jonathan Vanger

Jonathan Vanger

Born 09/22/1962 (61 years old)
Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England, UK


Jonathan Vanger is an internationally established producer, who since joining Transfilm International in 1994, has helped strengthen its place at the forefront of the international film industry. British born and Swiss educated, Jonathan spent the early years of his career managing Performance Guarantees UK Ltd. During that time, he established strong ties with major financial and credit institutions, specializing in the financing of international films. After a successful career in finance, he decided to concentrate fully in film and television production.

He has since produced over twenty films in North America, as well as Europe, South Africa and Australia. His more recent titles include for example the French comedy Fatal Bazooka (2010) or the espionage/action film The Expatriate (Erased 2012).

Relativity Media

