Yannick Kergoat

Yannick Kergoat

Born 1962


Yannick Kergoat is a director, screenwriter and editor. As the latter he has collaborated with helmers including Mathieu Kassovitz, Erick Zonca, Cédric Klapish, Gilles Bourdos and Dominik Moll, with whom he won the Best Editing César for Harry, un ami qui vous veut du bien (Harry, He's Here to Help, 2000). He has regularly worked with Costa-Gavras since Amen (2002) and edited six of Rachid Bouchareb's films, starting with Indigènes (Days of Glory, 2006). He has directed several documentaries for television, among them two on the subject of Régis Debray: L'envers du siêcle I and II (2020). In 2011 he debuted as a director with Les nouveaux chiends de garde, a César-nominated documentary co-directed with Gilles Balbastre. La (très) grande évasion is his second feature film, also a documentary.

Festival de San Sebastián



