Hundsbuam – Last Chance

(TV movie)
  • Germany Hundsbuam - Die letzte Chance
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? %
Germany, 2011, 94 min

Directed by:

Alexander Riedel


Alexander Riedel


Philip Vogt
(more professions)


For the selected few in the district of Erding at least there is still the “GIK,” which offers special full-time intensive classes. Here two fearless educators give a handful of bad boys their very last chance to get prepared for, at best, low-paid positions in manufacturing. But it’s not so easy. Will the little rebels, after all they have been through, finally realise that a task results in a product? Or, in the end, does even the school dog Zenzi give a damn about treats and insults? Riedel’s well-known flair for irony and restrained, formal commentary means that the story of his tragic heroes is as packed with punchlines as a whimsical comedy. (DOK.fest München)
