
Originally a comic strip character created by Chester Gould, Dick Tracy became a series starring Ralph Byrd as the heroic private eye. In this installment, Flawless Furs is robbed of several furs, which must be recovered in a period of twenty-four hours or the Honesty Insurance Company will be held liable. Dick Tracy is hired to track down the missing furs and uncover the perpetrator of the theft, but when the detective's informant is discovered viciously slain, Tracy realizes that there is more to the story than stolen furs. With the help of Vitamin Flintheart (Ian Keith), a master veteran of theatrics, and Tracy's faithful assistant Pat Patton (Lyle Latell), he follows the trail of clues to an abandoned junkyard and an ill-fated battle with odious villain, The Claw (Jack Lambert). (Echo Bridge Entertainment)
