
When Napoleonic cavalry soldier Lt. Andre Duvalier (Jack Nicholson) becomes estranged from his unit, he comes upon a mysterious woman named Helene (Sandra Knight) along the coast of Germany. The lieutenant is immediately taken with Helene but quickly becomes suspicious of her actions. It seems as if she is leading him into deadly traps: the powerful ocean's tide and pits of quicksand. Things take an even stranger turn when Duvalier seeks refuge at a nearby castle maintained by a baron (Boris Karloff), and Helene unexpectedly appears there. The baron is convinced that Helene is the ghost of his long-departed wife Ilsa, but the lieutenant believes Helene is under a hypnotic spell cast by an old witch that is scheming against the baron - slowly driving him to the brink of madness in an act of ruthless revenge… (Echo Bridge Entertainment)

