Casablanca Calling

all posters
USA / Morocco / France, 2014, 70 min

Directed by:

Rosa Rogers


Rosa Rogers


Rosa Rogers


Andy Cowton


Ten years ago, the King of Morocco decided to raise the role of women in Islamic society by introducing the institute of morchidat. Women engaged as morchidats are religious leaders who provide spiritual, moral, social and personal assistance and support to women and girls in their community who usually have less education. Many of them, including Bouchra, view their work as a calling. Bouchra works at a school where she helps students solve problems both big and small. She teaches them not to be afraid to express their opinion or assert their rights in the spirit of a modern concept of Islam. The camera also follows other brave women who have decided to prove that women's exclusion from public life is an outdated and unjustified practice that has no place in Islamic society. (One World)
