Omo Child: The River and the Bush

USA / Ethiopia, 2015, 86 min

Directed by:

John Rowe

VOD (1)


For centuries, the Kara tribe of the Omo Valley in southwest Ethiopia has believed that some children are cursed to spread famine and deadly disease. In order to protect their pastoral community, they've engaged in slaughter against the so-called Mingi.
When Lale Labuko, one of the few Kara to get an education, discovers the ritual at the age of 15, he decides it must be stopped. But this is no easy task. It will take all of his skill as a negotiator, compassion as a tribal member, and courage as he faces death in order to convince the tribal elders to end the horrific yet ancient practice. This fascinating documentary by director John Rowe, filmed over five years, offers us a rare, intimate glimpse of a remote tribal culture as it confronts change from without and within. (Denver International Film Festival)
