Dark Net - Season 1 (2016) (season)

Exploit (S01E03)

USA, 2016, 27 min


Mati Kochavi

Directed by:

Peter Richardson


Billy Shebar


Zach Zamboni, Peter Hutchens


Justin Melland
(more professions)

VOD (1)


The digital era gives rise to unprecedented opportunity to exploit, and be exploited. Troves of child pornography are available at the click of a mouse. Who are these children - and who profits from their abuse? While facilitating the darker side of our impulses, technology is also being touted as a cure to rehabilitate predators. In this episode meet the children who are forced to perform sex acts on camera; people who use the same technology to protect kids and nab the perpetrators; plus, a pedophile who reveals the roots of his addiction. (Showtime)


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