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EvilPhoEniXSpies in Disguise(2019) 

Every once in a while it doesn't hurt to watch an animated film and Spies in Disguise is a winner (in fact, this may be the most I enjoyed an animated film since Zootropolis). The opening scene when agent Will Smith… (more)

kaylinThe Eagle Huntress(2016) 

A good documentary, especially in the sense of how well it is filmed. The environment, which is rather unfamiliar to most of us, is filmed here with beautiful cinematography, with some truly breathtaking shots. And yet… (more)

MalarkeyThe Gabby Douglas Story(2014) 

Gabby Douglas has an incredible story, and it’s definitely worth watching. It’s an inspiring tale that will give hope and courage to young athletes who, like Gabby, dream of showing off their talent at future Olympics.… (more)