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LimaCop Land(1997) 

Sly looks good here with his beer belly, but that doesn’t make him a character actor, though at least he tries and I had no problem believing him in the role of an honest cop. Some of the great actors alongside him, on… (more)

MarigoldThe Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi(2003) 

The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi is a true revelation. Ignore the media presentation, trailer and many comparisons to Tarantino's Kill Bill. Zatoichi is not a "popcorn" film, it is not a film to gorge yourself on, but… (more)

NecrotongueCop Land(1997) 

The screenwriter and director in one failed to fully exploit the potential of a pretty decent theme and a stellar cast, but I really enjoyed watching those young men :-) It's a real shame that James Mangold couldn't get… (more)