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gudaulinRed Dwarf - Season 11(2016) 

After 30 years of working on Red Dwarf, the authorial duo of Grant and Naylor know well what works and what they can use. The problem is that their humor can be described as juvenile or even student-like, i.e., humor… (more)

DaViD´82Doctor Who - Season 10(2017)

The Pilot (10x01) 2/5: He's good. She's good. There is no plot. I am not saying it´s not good, it is simply missing. I understand that they wanted to devote enough space to the new companion and approach it from her… (more)

NecrotongueThe Big Bang Theory - Season 10(2016) 

It's official. Season 10 has become the worst season of this once-great show for me. The creators seemed to have decided to forget everything that was good about the show, and went the way many sitcom creators have gone… (more)