Paramount+ - Streaming


Streaming from 10/27/2021  
Streaming from 10/26/2021


Streaming from 10/24/2021
Streaming from 10/22/2021
Streaming from 10/21/2021
Streaming from 10/20/2021
Streaming from 10/18/2021


Streaming from 10/17/2021
Streaming from 10/15/2021
Streaming from 10/14/2021
Streaming from 10/13/2021


Streaming from 10/12/2021
Streaming from 10/11/2021


Streaming from 10/10/2021
Streaming from 10/09/2021



lampsPain & Gain(2013) 

Very likely the worst Michael Bay. A film that has an amazing soundtrack, likeable Wahlberg and Johnson and great actors (Wahlberg/Johnson and Harris, respectively), over-the-top visuals, and a crazy story that can't be… (more)

IsherwoodPain & Gain(2013) 

Tony Scott is in God’s truth and so the throne for the king of sexy filtered filmmaking is once again at the disposal of one man. I never expected Michael Bay to confirm his status as a conversational crime comedy even… (more)

RemedyPain & Gain(2013) 

Much more than a mockery of the fitness life and the degradation of all muscleheads and testosterone enthusiasts to the most primitive level, this "minor" Bay film is a striking parody of America's obsession with… (more)