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Reviews (1,025)


Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness (2020) (series) 

English Tiger King is a fascinating and blunt insight into a specific community of people who have based their careers and business on the exploitation of big cats, devious schemes, outright lies, and sometimes even crime. Already after last year Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer it was clear to me that the Netflix staff just had a knack for "true crime" projects, which this has confirmed to me. Now, I'm just wondering if and how the planned feature version of Joe Exotic's "adventure" with Nicolas Cage in the lead will turn out!


Greenland (2020) 

English You shouldn’t be expecting a shallow action movie, Ric Roman Waugh shows us carefully measured scenes of devastation, often indirectly and with very realistic CGI, thanks to which this movie looks like a movie and not chaotic computer animation. The story focuses on a group of people just trying to survive the impact of a destructive comet, and you will them on to succeed. This is slightly damaged by some typical, predictable tropes - for example, you learn one of the characters suffers from diabetes at the beginning, so it is  immediately clear this is the device that later significantly spices up the story. In other respects, however, I was very satisfied and within a specific subgenre, Greenland is a decent movie that definitely deserves attention.


Mank (2020) 

English This year, David Fincher gave me an early Christmas present in the form of a 100% movie-lover experience, thanks to which I was lost for two hours in the Hollywood machinery and political jungle of the end of the 1930s and start of the 1940s. Jack Fincher's screenplay flows harmoniously like a poem and there are strong intense speeches from the characters that I haven't heard in a movie for a long time. Cult movie making maybe, but absolutely breathtaking and shot right from the heart!


Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) 

English In WW84, there are scenes that are at best average for this genre or stupidly cut short and/or just plain stupid layering clichés upon clichés. All the eccentricities you'd expect and forgive from the Superman: The Movie because it was a pioneer of modern comic book movies and also because it was made in the year 1978, and here the creators try to sell this as a cool retro throwback thing, but it is very much lacking in terms of the screenplay and rests on its laurels. The action scenes are probably the weakest points of the movie as a whole. Patty Jenkins does not really succeed at shooting action using unnatural-looking CGI, like in the first movie, and putting a total of only 4 short and indistinct action scenes into a 151-minute giant blockbuster is almost a crime. Maybe that's why it didn't even bother me as much as in the first movie. Otherwise, this movie is in all ways a forgettable watch, which actually received more media attention than it is actually really worth.


Boss Level (2020) 

English Boss Level is a sufficiently fun and humorous action movie about a time loop, but after this year's refreshing Palm Springs, I found it a bit low for this subgenre. Mel Gibson needed more room to act, he practically enters to reel off a typically antagonistic monologue, but then he just turns up sporadically here and there during the rest of the movie. No epic "boss fight" takes place in the final. When the closing credits start to roll, you expect them to stop and the actual final scene to appear. But it never comes. In the end, the highlight of the movie is actually the bonding of the main character with his son, but for most of the rest, including the comically diverse minibosses, this movie is quite forgettable. However, it is quite a decent watch for what it is, but just not as good as it could and should be.


The Mortuary Collection (2019) 

English Horror anthology with captivating art direction! Clancy Brown delivers a very charismatic old-school performance falling straight from the Angus Scrimm in Phantasm series. I liked the self-awareness of the characters continuously commenting on the stories being told and pointing out shortcomings and doubts that the movie-goer may have. At the same time, the stories are pleasingly intertwined with various fascinating details, and mainly they are consistent and equally interesting. The only thing is that the general story pulled me by the hair at the end and the final twist comes on way too strong, but it is nothing that undermines my overall positive impression of the whole movie, which is a very solid collection of horror tales.


Fatman (2020) 

English When the first news about Fatman came out, I thought it might be a pretty good trip, but the creators should have made it clear at the start if they wanted to go in the direction of a fiendish family comedy or an unorthodox bloody thriller. Nothing in between. After watching it, my fears were confirmed and it ended up right there somewhere in between. At times, this "Christmas western" is quite bleak and wistful and does not shy away from cold acts and bloody murder. In other moments, the movie is too infantile and filled with naive comic book characters (the main bad guy is actually a spoiled little rich brat). The script really does look like it was written by Robert Rodriguez's children. The movie is quite amusing and doesn't drag. Mel Gibson cracks the whip and delivers in an unconventional role and his badass Father Christmas is cool, but the movie is weakened by its unclear mood and the relatively clear and simple story lacking surprises or twists.


The Last Picture Show (1971) 

English Bogdanovich recorded and captured the essence of the environment and time, the joys and pains of individuals, and you watch their story tensely and with bated breath as if it were happening right in front of your eyes. There's a strange, sad gust of nostalgia. Like a moment of life recorded on a black-and-white polaroid image, which has long been blown away by the wind and today lies beneath the dust of faded memories. An incredibly lively spectacle that definitely grows stronger with each new viewing.


Terrified! (1963) 

English A distant cousin and precursor of the modern slasher horror, in which a masked psychopath disposes of unsuspecting victims in abandoned houses in the middle of a ghost town. The locations and atmosphere should have hit the jackpot, but in the end, it feels like a confusing tangle of random scenes. The mise-en-scene is really solid and the killer has some eccentricities which are way ahead of their time, but it falls short of being a solid average.


Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie (2014) 

English Nothing against a low budget and a purely fan-based approach to the material (That's what the whole web series is about), but I have one big problem with this movie - where the hell did the classic Angry Video Game Nerd go? Most of the time you only get a glimpse of James Rolfe, his characteristic swearing and sarcastic remarks hardly occur. Instead, most of the time you just get a series of uninteresting supporting characters with screen/speaking time you couldn’t give a crap about. This stew of a movie has something of everything in it, except the most important ingredient, the all-commenting angry AVGN character from the web series.