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Recent reviews (1,480)


Brave: Gunjyo Senki (2021) 

English It's a B-movie, an obvious B-movie, but a very expensive B-movie by Japanese standards. Plus it's overstuffed – it's got lots of characters, they all definitely have a lot to say, they're also from the manga source material, but they just don't fit into the movie, so they're just sort of there, all flatter than a Chinese swimmer's chest, and in the rapid sequence of events you have no chance to like them. Except for one, but he was simply given enough screentime, and was particularly well played by Miura Haruma, so his character felt much richer than the others. There's sentiment in this, of course, as it's Haruma's last film... but he was just a great actor. On the other hand, Suzuki Nobuyuki's character and his portrayal of it annoyed me terribly and felt like a fist in the eye. And then there's the action: the film isn't afraid of blood and is fairly to the point. From point A to point B and back again. Story-wise, it's choppy. It's on the low side of three stars, but I'll give it an extra one for Haruma. I think I'm turning into a cynic... A weaker 4 stars.


Bayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys Loose (2010) 

English I watched this movie again after a long time and I liked it. Yes, it's long; yes, it's chaotic (anything from the series once called The Spirited Criminal Investigative Network couldn't have been otherwise); yes, it’s length may not ultimately have given it the impact it deserved, but it just made sense to me, even if others haven't seen it or were disappointed with it. I had fun with them again. They weren't different after all these years; even though they have different ranks they are still the same, their characters, the traits and goals of those characters are the same, they still hold to the same principles and tenets, and I think that’s great. It's not that the characters don't evolve and shift, they just evolve within their set values. Anyway, it was a mess that they eventually cleaned up with a broom and dustpan. But it's a mess whose effects will reach into the next episode. A weaker 4 stars. Not to mention that it really is the perfect movie to revisit after a long time. It definitely won't stand out if you watch it right after the other one – I’ve tried that.


The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese (2020) 

English A film with three explicit scenes, otherwise shrouded in innuendo. You have to read very carefully to get anything out of the film. It's not a breather, it's not a romance, it's a real drama. The acting is very good, but Narita Ryo clearly dominates. At the beginning we have absolutely no idea what to make of his character, in fact we rather dislike him, but as time goes on our perception of his character changes, mostly due to Narita's acting. It's not a story about the search for sexual orientation. In my opinion gender is not important in the relationship of these two, it's only important for the society that pigeonholes them based on it, which can cause problems and, as they say in Japanese, iwakan. But otherwise it's classic Yukisada – becoming mired in pathological relationships that there's definitely a way out of, as he watches the characters to see if they can get out of the morass they're stuck in.

Recent ratings (4,793)

I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss (2022) (series)


7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (2024) (series)


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) (series)


Destiny (2024) (series)


Mashle: Magic and Muscles - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc (2024) (season) (S02)


Delicious in Dungeon (2024) (series)


Geek Girl (2024) (series)


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)


Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (2021) (series)



Recent diary (13)

Advik 2013

Přiznám se dobrovolně, že jsem strašně líná psát souvislý text, takže jsem se rozhodla, že z letošního Adviku jen vypíchnu pár věcí, které mě potěšily nebo štvaly jako staff (pohybovala jsem se mezi hlavním vchodem a infem) i trochu jako „návštěvníka". Rozhodněte se sami, jestli je to pozitivní nebo negativní. Pokud má cenu něco rozvádět, prosím.


Koberce everywhere, proč?
Nulová organizace.
Polovina orgů ani nemakala, polovina makala do roztrhání těla.
Návštěvníci byli slušní a se smyslem pro humor.
Návštěvníci byli prasata.
Nelogičnost některých rozhodnutí ze shora.
Na den 250? Za co?
Za anotace 50? Proč?
Půl hodiny už měla být lolita přehlídka (to jsme přišli do sálu), tak jsme si mysleli, že už je po ní, omyl! Začala cca o 32 minut později, než měla, a netrvala ani deset minut.
Grek měl v prezentaci gramatické chyby!
Hry moc nehraju, a tak mě program nezaujal.
Když rozhořčený org dává pěstí druhému, neměl by to dělat před návštěvníky.
Lidé si stěžovali, že spousta přednášek nebylo připravených.
Jedna holčina si dokonce u vchodu strhla pásku, že jde domů, neb program stojí za starou bačkoru.
Velké pozitivum na letošním Adviku je, že se víc těším na Natsucon.
Už nikdy tam nechci dělat poskoka/otroka (zaškrtni správnou možnost).
Stolek před jídelnou dělal dobré karé.
Malinovka byla chlazená.
Kamarád vyhrál 3. místo v Tekkenu.
Cosplay divadlo mi přišlo těžce nevychytané, ale asi bych neměla moc soudit, když jsem vydržela 2,5 vystoupení.
Tombolu jsem vydržela na stejný počet tažení lístků (pak jsem stejně musela jít „makat").
Karaoke bylo super, akorát postrádalo jakoukoliv japonskou písničku.
U Nintenda se zase skvěle tančilo.
Odešlo kus sprch a na některých návštěvních to bylo cítit.
Nebyla dlouhá fronta, protože se odbavovalo už od 10 ráno.
Byla jsem na jedné celé přednášce (pokud nepočítám ty dvě, kde jsem přednášela), jinak jsem vždycky musela odejít před koncem, protože jsem najednou měla práci.
Budova se hermeticky uzavřela v deset večer a setrvala tak do devíti do rána.
Naše směna u dveří byla vždycky ta usměvavější.
Smáli jsme se tombole – za kolikže byly ceny?
Manga knihovnička byla opravdu knihovnička.