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Recent reviews (1,480)


The Greatest Gift of Life (2021) 

English An ordinary movie, the kind of movie Okada Yoshikazu just knows how to write and has been doing since forever. That's why it's nothing special. It's sedentary, and strong emotions, when they’re there, run beneath the surface and rarely bubble up. It's that feel-good movie when you're just in the mood for something mundane. While it's true that this film is a bit of a "flight through the world" kind of film, it has a really powerful scene toward the end that makes it step out of the grey. A moderate cast, a sparse setting, an intimate drama about the relationship between a daughter and her father.


Nanana's Buried Treasure (2014) (series) 

English A pretty hilarious ad for the subject matter. It's got its secrets you want to uncover, but you’d pretty much just peek behind the curtain for a few seconds. What you see isn't bad, but it doesn't tell you much. The main character is more than just a physically adept horny teenager, Nanana is more than just a busty roommate addicted to pudding, and overall the other characters aren't bad either. Given more of that, I wouldn't be mad. Because who would care who killed her.


You've Got Mail (1998) 

English I've seen the movie a few times now and I always get a craving for it again after a while. It's enjoyable, the characters are likable, I like the format too. I enjoy it. This is the perfect romantic comedy for me. I kind of wonder how the creators would handle it in this day and age of social media. I would love to see a movie like this.

Recent ratings (4,792)

7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (2024) (series)


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) (series)


Destiny (2024) (series)


Mashle: Magic and Muscles - The Divine Visionary Candidate Exam Arc (2024) (season) (S02)


Delicious in Dungeon (2024) (series)


Geek Girl (2024) (series)


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)


Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (2021) (series)


HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle (2024)



Recent diary (13)

Zkouška sirén

Milý deníčku,

dneska jsem jela přes celou Prahu. Nevěřil bys, ale bylo to ze zastávky Volha na Veleslavín!! To je dálka, co? Cestou jsem si četla. Hustý, co? Ale to je jedno, protože cestou zpět, tedy ne zpět, ale na Florenc, kde jsem nasedla na bus, a jela si pro potvrzení k lékaři, kde mne donutili ještě navíc k otevření úst a svléknutí do do půli těla jen proto, že jsem zakašlínkovala, a následně pak zaplatila poplatek 210,- .... moment, teď jsem se v tom ztratila. Tak od znovu.

Ráno jsem vstala hrozně brzo, abych se z Volhy stihla dostavitr na Veleslavín v 8:30 (kde jsem naštěstí byla o deset (!) minut dřív) a pak jsem nejprve zamířila na Florenc, odkud jsem pokračovala pro potvrzení na přihlášku na VŠ, a jelikož jsem tam trochu zakašlala, hned mě doktorka vyšetřila, místo aby mi dala jenom razítko na papír. Ty prášky, co mi předepsala byly zadarmo, zbytek ne. No, pak jsem jela zase zpět na Volhu, ale předtím jsem se zastavila v Chodově, abych si nakoupila a... kde to jsem?

Dobře, řeknu to krátce, konečně jsem vymyslela komentář, který jsem chtěla delší dobu napsat, a bylo to cestou metrem.


Zkouška sirén