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Recent reviews (7,584)


Detective Forst - Episode 2 (2024) (episode) 

English I'm still not impressed. I’ve noticed that Polish films generally do better with me, while their TV shows often fall short. I just can’t buy into the loose cannon in the police force, making the whole series feel unconvincing. / Lesson learned: If you take a trip to the Tatras, don’t lose your head.


Detective Forst - Episode 1 (2024) (episode) 

English The creators didn't exactly impress me with this opening episode — it was pretty awful. The Tatra Mountains were nice, and the fog helped create a decent atmosphere, but that's where the positives ended for me. As a crime drama, it didn't work. I was baffled by the disregard for basic investigative procedures and chain of command. At times, I just stared blankly at the screen, trying to figure out why the creators made such poor choices. However, as a guide to the Tatras, it was somewhat enjoyable.


Colors of Evil: Red (2024) 

English Even I, a seasoned viewer, was taken aback by the level of brutality depicted. But hey, life isn't a fairy tale or a Marvel comic, right? If you hit someone with an axe or a blunt object, it's not going to be pretty. A sensitive soul might have serious issues with this film, but the reality is, as long as there are people who take pleasure in hurting others, we should get used to such scenes. The laws are pretty lenient towards such scum. I thoroughly enjoyed this gritty dive into Trójmiasto, although it left a little to be desired to earn those five stars.

Recent ratings (11,216)

Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward (2019) (shows)


Hate by Dani Rovira (2021) (shows)


1670 - Spring (2023) (episode) (E03)


1670 - The Estate (2023) (episode) (E02)


Park Narae: Glamor Warning (2019) (shows)


1670 - The Assembly (2023) (episode) (E01)


Stolen Assignment (1955)


Odette (1950)


The Great Manhunt (1950)



Recent diary (14)


Zdeněk Troška dnes obdržel státní vyznamenání za přínos v oblasti kultury. Kdybych byl křesťan, byl bych si jistý, že jsem slyšel, jak byla zlomena první pečeť. Určitě se mnou bude něco špatně, jak jinak bych mohl Mistrovo dílo ohodnotit tolika odpady? Musím se nad sebou hluboce zamyslet.