
  • Czech Republic Ptáčata aneb Nejsme žádná béčka

Seasons(3) / Episodes(28)


This documentary cycle follows a class of children from society's edge – from the so-called "Brno Bronx" – over several years. Its film's name refers to the Roma proverb "Every bird sings its song". The kids aren't together in this by chance – some parents didn't want their kids to be in a class with Roma. In the first series we saw the children quickly learning to handle small cameras and to give their own testimonies; they went on a nature trip and had dinner in a fine restaurant. That was three years ago. This second series takes the children and the class teacher Jarmila from the 3rd grade to the 5th. They experience a demonstration by a far-right-wing party, protest against casinos with professional citizen Hollan, go skiing for the first time, and undergo a unique method to aid in concentration at school. (Zlín Film Festival)


Episodes (28)

Sami spolu (S01E01)

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Spolu sami (S01E02)

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Zprávy z domova (S01E03)

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Milé děti, dámy a pánové (S01E04)

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Ježíšku, děkuji!!! (S01E05)

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Dar na 2.B (S01E06)

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Školní hnízdo (S01E07)

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Z hnízda ven (S01E08)

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Facky do života (S01E09)

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Skousneme to? (S01E10)

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Na Prahu Volby (S01E11)

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Hlaste předsedu! (S01E12)

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Letem ghettem (S01E13)

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Všude dobře? (S01E14)

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Doma nejlíp! (S01E15)

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Nový začátek (S01E16)

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Všichni jsme cigáni (S02E01)

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Dětská republika (S02E02)

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Z kopce nahoru (S02E03)

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Cikánský duch Václava Havla (S02E04)

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Feedback (S02E05)

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Volby budoucnosti (S02E06)

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Patrick (S03E01)


Jana (S03E02)

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Váňa a Janek (S03E03)

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Alenka (S03E04)

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Růženka a Míša (S03E05)

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Škola, základ života (S03E06)

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