Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults

  • USA Heaven's Gate
USA, 2020, 3 h 23 min (Length: 49–52 min)

Directed by:

Clay Tweel


Jeff Powers, Hillary Spera


David Wingo


Richard Nixon (a.f.)
(more professions)

VOD (1)



In the late 1990s, the world was shocked by the mass suicide of 39 members of a new age religious cult who believed their souls would "graduate" to an alien spacecraft behind the Hale-Bopp Comet. Co-founded by Marshall Applewhite, who once called the group “the cult of cults,” and Bonnie Nettles, Heaven’s Gate began in 1975 with the mysterious disappearance of 20 people from a small town in Oregon – and ended in 1997 with the largest suicide ever to take place on U.S. soil. Using never-before-seen footage and first-person accounts from former members and their loved ones, this four-part docuseries is a thorough examination of the infamous UFO cult that stunned the globe with their out-of-this-world beliefs. (HBO Max)
