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GoldbeaterThe Nun(2018) 

This is a generic commercial horror and a quick-brewing franchise, whose only goal seems to have been to take more cash out of the audience’s pockets, and to get a demonic nun into the living room of the Warren couple.… (more)

OthelloAnnabelle: Creation(2017) 

Anyone who doesn't get sick of the "scary music and camera zoom – suddenly the music dies down – nothing for a while – jump-scare!" method repeated over and over again for the twelfth time has my envy combined with my… (more)

J*A*S*MThe Nun(2018) 

Three stars, grudgingly. The screenplay must have been written by an automatic horror generator and it’s surprising that Warners can’t manage their dark universe better on this aspect, but for the consumers it’s enough,… (more)