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DaViD´82Son of Batman(2014) 

Just five minutes of shared custody of this bratty little monster who would drive Batman to wring his neck, never mind his “no weapons, no dead" policy. Twice over. No wonder his mother refused to recognize him at the… (more)

NecrotongueBank of Dave(2023) 

I pondered for quite some time between giving this film two or three stars, and because I'm feeling rather generous today, I settled on the latter. It didn't strike me as exceptional; it was quite undemanding. While I… (more)

MarigoldSnakes on a Plane(2006) 

Huh? I wish it was at least stupid to the point that it’s fun, but it doesn't even have a decent dose of idiocy. It's just a stupid accumulation of clichés, moreover in a tragically boring sequence. I would perhaps only… (more)