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Reviews (335)


Walk of Shame (2014) 

English Let’s face it, the movie only has 2 things going for it. The first one is Elizabeth Banks. She gets virtually drowned in awkward and predictable situations, though. And the second justifiable reason to watch this is the currently best American stand-up comedian Bill Burr in his life role. Although brilliant, he unfortunately gets very little space in the movie. Otherwise, get ready for a desperately mediocre comedy with a lousy screenplay amplified by some disastrous acting performances.


Criminal (2016) 

English One of the most pathetic action movies in recent years. Excellent cast which, however, fails to live up to its potential. In fact, the vast majority of acting performances are downright embarrassing and sloppy. Zero suspense, lame action, terrible dialogues, nonsensical story. I could go on indefinitely. I really regret the time I sacrificed to watch this piece of crap, and I strongly advise against watching this movie.


Wonder Woman (2017) 

English By the standards of the new wave of DC movies, this is a pretty decent origin story which I really enjoyed. It's a great movie with the right dose of hyperbole, wit and adventure. The movie’s major asset are the two lead actors who have amazing chemistry. Gal Gadot is certainly not a brilliant actress, but she's simply perfect for the role of Wonder Woman. Plus, there’s Chris Pine always at her side, playing the coolest character I’ve seen in quite a while. Add to that the perfect slow-motion shots (like the best of Snyder in Sucker Punch or 300), especially in the beach battle or trench battle scenes. The final positive is definitely the soundtrack, which I liked here more than in any other superhero movie in a long time. But there are also things I find it hard to get over - the B-movie screenplay and some really bizarre moments, heroic poses and the worst-written story twists imaginable (whoever doesn’t realize who the main villain is by the end of the first third of the movie probably has vacuum for brains). I get it, Wonder Woman is portrayed like this in the comic books - a slightly naive superhero who knows when it’s still worth fighting for good and so I’ll forgive this movie a lot. Something much worse, yet predictable, comes at the end. A lousy final duel accompanied by some repulsive CGI which seems to be a trademark of the Warner bros and which will definitely undo any previous attempts at something worthwhile. When comparing the ending of the Dark Knight to Batman v. SupermanSuicide Squad, or now Wonder Woman, it's enough to make you cry. PS: I must add something in relation to the trench battle scenes. The world doesn’t really need 50 different Avenger movies or the 20th version of the same story from the world of X-men, but more war movies from the thick of the battle, which make a visit to the movie theatre feel like a major event, a truly absorbing experience.


The Edge of Seventeen (2016) 

English The best possible way to make a movie about a typical teenager who thinks her problems are the worst in the world, everybody else is doing much better and no one understands her or cares about her. I can see why some people consider the main character annoying or even unrelatable, but I don't, because I get this type of attitude, jokes and behavior in general, especially when it comes to ironic, sarcastic or over-the-top crude humor. I do realize there are certain boundaries, and I don’t make such a big deal out of everything like the main character, but as I said, I can relate to her. In addition, Hailee Steinfeld did an excellent job and I'm really looking forward to seeing her next movies. Over her few years in Hollywood, her Oscar and Golden Globe nominations didn't just fall from the sky, she simply has it in her. Hopefully she will steer clear of B-movie flops and keep appearing in similarly ambitious movies. Even the rest of the young actors fell perfectly into their roles and it was a real pleasure to watch. But what definitely turned this into an excellent movie was casting Woody Harrelson, who savors each and every moment of playing a teacher/mentor who just couldn’t care less about the whole school. If you want to have a fun, feel-good movie night, you can’t go wrong with this one.


Get Out (2017) 

English A great mixture of uncomfortable and escalating suspense together with a weird vibe and the feeling that something is not quite right. A guarantee that you can expect high-quality and surprisingly entertaining horror movie, that almost feels too short. Shame about the simplistic conclusion, which nevertheless doesn't change the fact that I really enjoyed the whole movie and was quite satisfied. Although there may not be many surprises in it, the movie is bound to become a genre classic. In today's hypersensitive and needlessly politically correct times, it's nice to find out that even within the black community in the USA, someone has the courage to make a slightly ironic film about the absurdity of racial unrest in general and perhaps help to calm things down. The movie’s enormous success in the theatres is definitely well deserved.


The Fate of the Furious (2017) 

English I'm up for all kinds of crazy and fun stuff and I can handle a lot in terms of overkill, but the eighth installment of F&F almost goes beyond the point of tolerability. There are too few chases for a franchise about cars and few good (meaning memorable) cars in general. There is a minimum of actually funny moments for a comedy, so, ironically, the funniest scenes are with Statham practically whenever he appears on screen. Oddly enough, although three of the biggest action movie stars appear in the movie, we never get to see them fight one another, and what's worse, after the prison break at the beginning of the movie, there won’t be any better fights. It's also too serious for a parody (classic emphasis on the family). All things considered, I might ignore the fact that the whole story is totally ridiculous and illogical, but what I really hate is when I can accurately guess all the future developments. Even though I am usually terrible at guessing, I got practically everything right. Anyway, a good choice if you’re looking for a two-hours’ worth of mindless entertainment.


Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016) 

English For a comedy, there are only about three slightly above-average jokes, the rest of it is pathetically unfunny. Disastrously filmed, action scenes straight out of a terrible B-movie, pitiful dialogues and the whole thing is borderline cringeworthy. Everything about the movie is just wrong and it’s all so mind-numbing. Not even the visual aspect of Gal Gadot and Isla Fisher is used to the fullest. Let’s face it, neither of them is ever going to win an Oscar. I would make the screenwriter watch this movie in an endless loop as punishment to realize what sort of crap he brought into the world. Plus, the practically impossible happened and the usually hilarious Zach Galifianakis is a crashing bore here.


Stuck in Love (2012) 

English You sometimes feel the need to just switch off, enjoy life, forget all your worries, watch a movie and simply enjoy an ordinary story, however cheap it may sound. I was in precisely this mood when I watched this movie, and I could hardly believe it - with all these factors combined, I enjoyed the best feel-good movie of my life! An independent film with awesome actors who portrayed their characters so well that I could relate to them straight away. A perfect soundtrack to a story that might seem a little too familiar, but this simple rendition full of cynicism and romance was exactly what I was looking for and I found it hilarious and moving at the same time. Sometimes you need to inject positive mood straight into your vein along with a happy ending that will give you a warm fuzzy feeling. Although I think everyone will choose a different favorite scene, I was surprised that the scene that got me the most was the phone call with Stephen King. No matter what I remember about the movie, my mood automatically goes up. Let me say again how incredibly likeable I found all the main characters, but I must highlight Lily Collins, because her cynical cuteness here is simply perfection.


Rick and Morty (2013) (series) 

English Rick and Morty go way beyond insanity and fun combined. Great humor, some crazy genius stuff, no punches pulled, breaking down the fourth wall, existential questions and some absolutely mind-blowing moments that almost make you reflect on the meaning of life. Nothing as complex has been here before, and no matter how crazy or ridiculously bizarre thing happens, it won't be forgotten in the following episodes. In fact, it often serves as the next starting point. S01: 10/10. S02: 10/10. S03: 9/10. S04: 8/10.


Toni Erdmann (2016) 

English When I watched Conan O'Brien visiting Berlin with his show a while ago, he made the whole city seem incredibly bizarre and perverse. Despite this notorious reputation that Germany seems to have, I didn’t think it could be that serious with our neighbors. Well, Toni Erdmann offers some more irrefutable evidence that the Germans are just weird. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen such an eccentric comedy-drama. I intentionally don’t call this a pure comedy because it's more of a conversational "drama" that lasts almost three hours. But don't worry, you'll have fun. Not because of standard jokes, but rather because of completely unexpected situations, which had me staring at the screen incredulously, finding it hard to believe what I was seeing. It’s some truly bizarre stuff, but, in a weird way, it’s actually funny and well made. It's hard to describe it, it’s simply one of those must-see films. But don't expect to be laughing from start to finish. The overall impression is serious and sad, because the whole time you are watching those empty characters as they are hiding their true self. Let me just add two things, namely that the birthday party is an absolutely perfect mixture of humor and awkwardness, and I just had to laugh out loud looking at the unidentifiable Bulgarian mask. And then you should look forward to "THAT" scene which everyone speaks about but prefers not to describe, and I’m not going to either. Just a German Thing.