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Reviews (335)


Southpaw (2015) 

English Southpaw is a movie that certainly doesn't brim with originality. You've seen the story many times in various forms, which is a typical pitfall of most sports movies. But when you get over classic cliches like "The more you get hit, the harder you fight.", etc., you are in for a pretty solid experience. Especially the fights are filmed very well, Gyllenhaal is his usual (above)standard self, and the movie goes by really fast. All in all, I was satisfied in the end.


The Revenant (2015) 

English Judging by what you can find about the movie online, the filming must have been a complete nightmare for the crew. The final result is really worth it, though. The movie is raw and it will make you chill to the bone, but it is brilliantly filmed and the atmosphere full of brutality is incredibly absorbing (in a good way). Like Birdman, Revenant isn’t for everyone, but I enjoyed it all the way through. I don't know if it's worth betting on the Oscars, but the great DiCaprio and Hardy should really be nominated (and DiCaprio deserves to win). There’s no question about the golden hat-trick for Lubezki for Best Cinematography.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) 

English The absolutely most perfect cinema experience I’ve ever had, and I will probably remember this day for the rest of my life. My expectations were sky high due to the amazing trailers, but J.J. Abrams totally blew my mind and it turned out to be even better. Everything I love about this franchise is there, plus, with a great atmosphere. Episode VII might have already become my favorite. The old characters fit the story perfectly, but the series really struck gold with the new ones. The central trio of Ridley, Boyega and Driver was the absolute best as well as the only right choice. I can't imagine anyone else in those roles now. There is no need to mention how unique the music is. The camerawork is absolutely impeccable, making the movie even more absorbing. I've been to the cinema many times, but never before have I been so drenched in sweat like after this joyride. I really don’t know what else to add. I just hope that there’s enough money in the Disney budget to build J.J. Abrams a statue. Episode VII sure is a tough act to follow. (And after the second viewing, I completely stand by everything I said. Alright, it’s no longer the feeling that it’s the best movie in the entire galaxy like the first time I saw it. I can objectively see some flaws. But it's still a picture that somehow "defines" me and my taste in movies. Namely that I love Star Wars, the science fiction genre, the struggle between good and evil, bombastic (and sometimes naive or almost-fairy-tale-like) blockbusters and the idea that we're not alone in the universe and there are various different races. I love thundering and fateful-sounding music, pithy one-liners, likeable upbeat actresses like Daisy Ridley and especially going to the movies. Episode VII is exactly the movie that makes a visit to the movie theatre worthwhile. The box office sales are a clear evidence of that and they are sky-high. Finally, let me just add that if not after episode VIII, then definitely after episode IX, The Force Awakens will finally be fully appreciated as a brilliant beginning to another epic story.)


Spectre (2015) 

English Most of the negatives you read about the movie are true. But that’s completely beside the point, because Craig is by far the best Bond and Spectre is the most classic of all classics. The movie has everything that so many fans have come to expect from Agent 007, including some questionable logic, luxury cars, exploding watches, beautiful women, martinis (shake, don't stir), a vengeful villain, some badass muscles, a secret organization, an inflated budget, and a white fluffy cat.


IT Crowd (2006) (series) 

English S01: 9/10.


Inside Out (2015) 

English Yes, I enjoyed it. Yes, the idea was brilliant. Yes, it's a safe bet, so this year's Oscars have never been more obvious. Yes, Pixar is back. But NO, the story itself is not great. It is absolutely run-of-the-mill, wasting the potential of the whole movie.


The Martian (2015) 

English In today’s world full of bad news, with so much negativity everywhere you turn it almost makes you want to go on antidepressants, one day you just go to the movies and get a dose of cheerfulness, fun and optimism right into your vein. Few movies have made me feel as great as when I saw The Martian. Ridley Scott doesn’t mess around and the film starts strong and fast. No chitchat, lengthy introductions, or unnecessary subplots that would eventually go nowhere. Instead, we get Matt Damon’s one man show, awesome cast, even the small roles, and especially a celebration of science and humanity as such. Just a small aside, and I say this in every science fiction movie review - the biggest mistake of the current generation is that we basically gave up on conquering the universe and stopped setting big goals. Sadly, man hasn’t set foot on the Moon for over 40 years, and the only reports of a mission to Mars are that it’s been postponed again. Fortunately, we have the cinema and movies like The Martian. A clear five stars, no question about it.


The Butterfly Effect (2004) 

English I’m not sure how to approach this movie. On the one hand, it is excellently filmed, and the overall concept and atmosphere of the movie were really captivating. Even Ashton Kutcher, one of my least favorite actors in Hollywood, seemed likeable. On the other hand, I really couldn’t bear the last 20 minutes. Maybe it's because I don't like the sight of blood, the subject of mental illness or who knows why. The atmosphere of the movie made me physically sick and I had to pause it a few times, because it even gave me a slight headache, that’s how much it got to me. A great movie with atmosphere, but I can't tell you what my reaction will be the second time I watch The Butterfly Effect as I’m not planning to do so anytime soon.


The Walk (2015) 

English I had really mixed feelings. There are more than enough positive aspects as well as downright negative ones. The main positive is, of course, Gordon-Levitt, whom I like not only as an actor in many great roles, but also as a person, and this role fits him really well. As a tribute to the WTC, it’s also great. Plus, the second part of the movie, and especially the last 25 minutes, are perfection. However, there are a few things that I find it hard to see past. I don’t like the whole circus environment and everything around it. For me personally, it emits an atmosphere of artificiality and tackiness, which is how I felt about the movie itself. I don't seem to understand what exactly Zemeckis had in mind with the first hour of the movie. It just drags on unnecessarily. Dull and gray. It’s a shame, as the second part is in stark contrast to it. I also didn’t feel any actual fear or suspense. I wasn’t rooting for the main character much, because I was sure he would make it. Finally, what truly irritated me was a major part of the soundtrack. It was as if from a 70s detective series (the bad kind) and it completely ruined my experience of an otherwise great movie. 3.5 stars.


Show Leoše Mareše (2015) (shows) 

English I was naive enough to think this would be the first Czech late night talk show of the Conan/Fallon/Ferguson type. Each of them has their own style which suits a particular sort of people. According to the previews, Mareš’s show was supposed to be a mixture of these three styles, which it is but totally chaotic. Mareš himself would probably be able to pull it off, but he would need his team, especially the screenwriters, to actually assist him. The work they do is extremely lousy, and the show’s concept is really unfunny and borderline cringeworthy. Hezucký was probably supposed to be like Andy in Conan’s show, that is, a sidekick for Mareš during interviews, coming up with punchy one-liners. I’m sure they would hit it off eventually since they've been on the radio together for so many years, but instead he turned the talk show into something like Whose Line Is It Anyway?, totally ruining the whole thing and being completely useless. Seriously, during those "games" I felt sorry for both the audience and the performers, it was simply excruciating. The 2 stars may be too much for this but I’m giving it a chance because a show like this was missing in the Czech Republic (and if the time slot is moved to at least eleven o'clock, it might have a chance to survive). Beginnings are always hard. But if the concept of the show remains the same, then not only does it deserve a “Boo!” rating, but it’s a waste of perfectly good potential, which would be a shame.