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Reviews (335)


Room (2015) 

English An extremely upsetting and, for the most part, depressing movie, which is excellently filmed, but because of its theme I do not want to see it ever again. Perfectly made with absolutely convincing acting performances, so an obvious candidate for an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. To those who would like to increase their level of paranoia, but not in a depressing way, I recommend watching this video.


Spotlight (2015) 

English Rather than brutal criticism of the Catholic Church (which deserves nothing but contempt in this case), Spotlight is an example of absolutely professional investigative journalism that is unbiased and always looking for the truth no matter how terrible. Above all, it shows journalists who not only wait until they have the full story, but, most importantly, thoroughly verify and confirm their sources, which is extremely rare today. “If it's on the Internet, then it must be true.” (George Washington)


Narcos (2015) (series) 

English “’There's a standing bounty of $350,000 US on any DEA down here, but you're safe... because of Kiki.’ The "Kiki" Peña was referring to was Kiki Camarena, a DEA agent who went after the Guadalajara cartel in Mexico. Kiki was captured and tortured. They skinned his legs, put a bullet in each limb, used an electric drill on his head until he died. What the fuck were they thinking? They could kill an American government agent and get away with it? Uncle Sam doesn't fuck around. The cocksuckers paid in blood. They went after them so hard, every single narco in the world got the message that the DEA is off-limits. Kiki was like Jesus Christ to us.” A great TV tribute, perhaps surrounded by too much hype, but other than that, there's little to criticize. The creators are not afraid to tell the story without sparing any of the details. Plus, they don’t forget to include great action (especially in the second half of the series). Clear evidence that Netflix currently rules the streaming industry. The best series of 2015. S01: 10/10.


The Big Short (2015) 

English Exactly my kind of movie with excellent acting (Carell is superb in it), but something is missing. Although I know a thing or two about economics, I was a bit lost at the beginning (like many others, I guess), but the explanation from Margot or later from Selena was perfect. Even during other moments which I found confusing, the writers did their best to help me out. However, they might have been too ambitious. The movie pushes too hard, as evidenced by the fact that even after two hours, I did not remember the names of the vast majority of characters. Next time I want to get an idea of just how arrogant and brazen the Wall Street bankers are, I'll rather watch Inside Job, a brilliant Oscar-winning documentary.


Pojedeme k moři (2014) 

English A great achievement by Czech standards and an excellent debut by Jiří Mádl (if there’s anyone who deserves to be promoted to the Czech directors’ elite, it’s him). Although I get that the simplicity of the plot was intentional, it’s almost annoying how totally predictable it is. In spite of my nitpicks, the film's originality is undeniable, and I am sincerely looking forward to Mádl’s next films. Keep them coming.


Ant-Man (2015) 

English Visually brilliant, perfect in terms of acting, and the whole movie flows at a nice pace. However, although I was tempted to give it a fourth star, I'll probably stick with three. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember any major scene or anything memorable, not to mention the fact that much of the movie is filled with inane chatter. However, purely subjectively without the star rating, I consider Ant-Man to be much better than the totally mediocre second installment of the Avengers.


Jurassic World (2015) 

English Product placement is even more glaring here than in the last four Bond movies combined, but I will probably forgive Jurassic World anything. This movie is a total definition of a contemporary summer blockbuster and, as such, it is beyond reproach. It will never become a cult classic like Jurassic Park, nevertheless, the franchise is held in such great esteem that the latest Terminator can only dream of.


The Hateful Eight (2015) 

English It doesn't reach the quality of Inglourious Basterds or Django Unchained, but I still enjoyed the almost three hours of it to the fullest. The widely criticized first hour is excellent for me personally, and it is exactly where the qualities of Tarantino's screenwriting really show. While in any other movie it would turn into meaningless prattle, here it’s filled with sharp dialogues which are an utter delight. In short, I basically fall hook, line and sinker for any Tarantino movie. The dialogue can be about any nonsense, as long as there is enough sarcasm, absurdity, black humor and this motherfucker.


The Intern (2015) 

English A nice easy watch, but that’s about it. I like Hathaway in pretty much anything, De Niro obviously couldn’t care less about this movie, and the rest of the actors are just there. Rather than a full-fledged movie, it seems to be more of a two-hour promotion video for a non-existent company plus some relationship storylines that are neither here or there. Simply a nice film which I will (probably) forget in a month.


Paper Towns (2015) 

English The story was definitely great, as well as the ending. Most of us have been through this in one way or another. This might be why the movie as a whole just didn't resonate with me, only struck me by how ordinary it was and fizzled out. Not as good as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, but it's definitely up there in the top half as far as teen movies go. It's nice to see that Cara Delevigne is not likely to stick out like a sore thumb in the Suicide Squad, as she might actually be more than just a model.