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Reviews (335)


Ted 2 (2015) 

English Surprising progress compared to number one, which unfortunately had many dull moments and, overall, was rather half-baked with a lot of wasted potential. The second instalment is better in many ways. MacFarlane seems to have matured as a director and made a movie that is surprisingly fast-paced, reducing weaker moments to a minimum. I had more laughs than with the first one and some scenes literally had me rolling on the floor laughing (special mention goes to the perfectly ruined improv comedy show, taking black humor in a Hollywood movie to a whole other level).


Stardust (2007) 

English Definition of a modern fantasy fairy tale. An incredibly positive movie made with wit and grace. This is how I imagine a movie that is literally for everyone, but not in an annoying way. I can give nothing but the highest of ratings. By the way, I can't think of a better closing credits song than the amazing “Rule the World”.


Lost in Munich (2015) 

English Spectacular! The best Czech movie in recent years. An excellent comedy(?) extending beyond the limits of the genre, unparalleled in contemporary Czech cinema. After a weird trailer, I decided to give it a miss at the cinema, but I regret it all the more now, because I enjoyed literally every minute of it. A clear five stars and a completely new perspective concerning the events of 1938 for me. I recommend not reading up on the movie in advance. All the surprising twists only intensified my experience.


The Brothers Grimsby (2016) 

English In any other movie, I simply wouldn't bear such a load of over-the-top sick humor, and maybe wouldn't even watch it until the end. Given Cohen’s existing work, I paradoxically expected much more of The Grimsby Brothers. The movie is terribly unbalanced, and even though it is very short, a lot of dull moments crop up here and there, as well as humor which is way off (meaning unfunny and idiotic). Then again, many scenes were really incredible and I don’t think I will get them out of my head any time soon (I'll probably steer clear of certain zoo enclosures for the rest of my life). Plus, there is a surprising number of well-shot action scenes in the movie. What's worse is the story, which just isn’t any good, just like the supporting "acting performances". It is compensated by the two leads who are unexpectedly well-suited for one another. Overall, it’s hard to comment on the movie, you have to see it. That is, if you have the stomach for that and at least a bit of a flair for the perverse.


The Danish Girl (2015) 

English I know next to nothing about this issue and since I'm not some enthusiastic liberal, I didn't really feel like watching this movie. Paradoxically, I found the story intriguing, the acting performances were also great, but the two hours were simply too long. The way Tom Hooper filmed it just plain irritated me – awfully tedious, ridiculously long, and incredibly tacky. The music (I don’t understand how Desplat could have created such a brilliant soundtrack to The Grand Budapest Hotel and now this) in combination with the plot roused the feelings of genuine antipathy in me. That one Oscar for Vikander was well-deserved, but otherwise I have zero desire to watch this movie again.


Deadpool (2016) 

English I think Deadpool is exactly the kind of movie that really deserves its financial success. I enjoyed the vast majority of jokes, the division of the movie into individual scenes works really well, and the great moments outweigh the weaker ones by far. However, I expected more from the movie as a whole. Although it is presented as a radically different superhero movie, in the end it is your standard Marvel movie playing it safe. Here’s hoping that the second installment, if there is one, will cut down on the unnecessarily over-the-top crude humor which gets old after a while, and add more sarcasm, cynicism and self-conscious winks to the audience. The potential is huge.


The 88th Annual Academy Awards (2016) (shows) 

English (I don’t factor in the results, with which I am generally satisfied). Is this supposed to be a celebration of film? A below-average effort on the part of the screenwriters and Chris Rock, the host. A response to the pseudo-controversy started by Will Smith's wife and Spike Lee was to be expected, but Chris Rock did not handle it very well. Fine, the opening monologue was okay, maybe the second or third skit, but build a whole ceremony around it? When I compare this year's Oscars with this year's Golden Globes, the difference is abysmal. Simply put, the whole show was clearly sewn with a hot needle and resulted in simplistic or even zero skits. Anyway, the American audience is always the same (which might eventually be a good thing, because otherwise, instead of artificial laughter, the night would be filled with an alarming amount of awkward silences) and will clap for practically anything that corresponds to the current liberal, politically correct American mainstream. So, in terms of bragging about saving the society, races, minorities and the world in general, the evening worked great. In terms of entertainment and a celebration of the very best of the film industry, the writers and the host failed miserably. Here’s something for those who want a taste of a completely opposite approach of the host, unrivalled as far as entertainment goes.


Watchmen (2009) 

English “Who watches the watchmen?” Three and a half hours of complete bliss. Brilliant, excellent, perfect, one of the best movies I've ever had a chance to watch. This movie simply has everything I've ever wanted to see in a single feature. I haven't read the comic book, but if it's even better than this awesome movie, I’m off to buy it. (And after reading the book, I’ve simply run out of superlatives. A story with an incredibly deep message and substantiated self-criticism of humanity as such. Each storyline has its special role, each one amazing and almost terrifying in many instances.)


The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) 

English An enjoyable movie set in the 60s, which is really simple in terms of the story, not that it matters. Objectively, it probably doesn’t amount to much, but my subjective feeling is that I just can't say anything negative about it. I watched the whole movie with a happy grin on my face, as there was no negativity or any unlikeable character (even Cavill, a non-actor, is pretty okay here). It’s also nice to look at, especially the star of 2015, Alicia Vikander, whom Michael Fassbender chose really well.


Moulin Rouge! (2001) 

English The first half hour or so of the movie is perhaps the biggest mixture of bizarreness and gaudiness in the history of film. Although I generally don't mind kitsch in movies, here it was a bit too much for my taste. The only saving grace of the movie are its two leads, McGregor and Kidman, and great songs. Otherwise it’s disappointing, perhaps also because I was expecting a lot more.