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Reviews (2,830)


Sky Sharks (2020) 

English Trash B-movie mixed with C-movie, whose quality teeters between decent and bad, but in the end, it's a fairly tolerable cocktail that I didn't believe would be so much fun. The opening scene, where zombie Nazis hijack a plane, is such mayhem that I couldn't believe my own eyes. The film also tries to have an interesting story with the Nazis, who, by the way, have excellent make-up and costumes. Occasionally, there is bad CGI, but overall, it's surprisingly decent visually, with high-level gore and more beautiful female assets than ypi would see in a lifetime. I wouldn't recommend it to women, especially intellectuals, but for those who like to switch off during a movie, want to laugh, love Nazis, good music, enjoy gore with a lot of nudity and sex, and appreciate the few decent jokes. It didn't disappoint 😃 I also liked the scene in Vietnam or the final showdown. I was surprised by how many interesting ideas they managed to include in a relatively bad movie. I had a good time. It's splatter entertainment through and through, but at your own risk. If I had to describe the film in a few words, it would be something like this: gore, boobs, gore, Nazis, flying sharks, boobs, gore, gore, gore, and boobs once again. Story**, Action*****, Humor*** Violence*****, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 7/10.


The Last Matinee (2020) 

English An exotic and honest tribute to 1980s and giallo from Uruguay, and quite possibly an unofficial remake of the excellent Anguish: Blind Terror. We haven’t had such a thoroughbred slasher in almost two years, so The Last Matinee deserves great attention from fans of the subgenre. The story takes place in a cinema, where a classic movie, Frankenstein, is being screened when a psychopath in a black cloak starts wreaking havoc with a knife, enjoying pulling out people's eyes. After a lukewarm first half an hour, the film gains quite a decent pace. The soundtrack is excellent, there are even Argento's red filters, and the gore is solid, although I have some minor complaints about the murder weapon (I would replace that pocket knife the killer uses with either a kitchen knife, a hook, or an axe, but that's just a detail). It's a bit disappointing that there is no nudity or humor, which are typical for the genre, but otherwise everything works, from the visuals, the tension, the music, and the violence. Enjoyable stuff for fans. Story***, Action***, Humor*, Violence****, Entertainment****, Music****, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Tension***. 7.5/10.


Don't Move (2013) 

English Decent gore, nice atmosphere, a beautiful demon, great cinematography, and a quite decent dose of tension. Britain knows how to deliver. 8/10.


Shadow in the Cloud (2020) 

English The beautiful Chloë Grace Moretz in a one-girl show as a war pilot with secret documents one a plane full of men with prejudices. It’s not as bad as the rating makes it look, but they could have done a better job. Sometimes it can be funny thanks to the wisecracks, and, thanks to the adequate running time of 80 minutes, it doesn't get boring. The action is okay, there's also some blood, the music is very good, and the monster looks quite nice – I really liked the final fight in particular. It's not really a horror, rather a war action drama with one little monster. Story**, Action***, Humor***, Violence**, Entertainment***, Music****, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 5/10.


DaemonRunner (2017) 

English An action-packed sci-fi gem with demons from Australia! It has excellent visuals, a decent amount of blood and humor, and a lot happens in those five minutes. A feature film would be a dream come true. 8/10.


The Kid Detective (2020) 

English The idea is good, and if the movie took place in a time when the protagonist was a child with the ability to solve various mysteries, it could have been a nice family movie, but like this, I didn't enjoy it much. I didn't find it funny or very interesting, it's a bit boring. You can feel it's second-hand material. 4/10.


The Superdeep (2020) 

English What a is a nice way to end the year. The Superdeep is an anticipated and solid sci-fi horror film reminiscent of the famous game “Dead Space” and, also a tribute to The Thing. The two-hour running time might be a problem for some, but this time it didn't bother me, because we go underground somewhere around the 10th minute and the film doesn't waste time with unnecessary character development. The setting is great, a beautiful underground laboratory full of scientists and soldiers fighting an unknown parasite. The pace seemed decent, the film rushes forward and there are plenty of cool and memorable scenes. The mutating fungus on humans is captured impressively and disgustingly, and the monster itself is very well done thanks to practical effects, though it could have appeared on the scene earlier. Atmosphere, setting, music, visuals, and fantastic scenes are more than enough to satisfy me. Story***, Action***, Humor>No, Violence****, Entertainment****, Music****, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Tension***. 7.5/10.


The Croods: A New Age (2020) 

English It looked like Soul was going to be the animated film of the year, but I managed to catch up with the Croods and it's decided. After Zootropolis, The Croods 2 is for me without a doubt the best animated film ever. There are new characters living in paradise and the differences between modern and stone age are very good. I found the cadence of the humour here to be about twice more intense than in the first film, and the scene where the son pulls the couch with food up to the big window thinking he's going to watch a movie cracked me up. Beautiful, sweet, funny, bloody entertaining and with lots of interesting ideas. It fit me incredibly well. Story****, Action****, Humor*****, Violence>No, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visual*****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 9/10.


The Croods (2013) 

English I wouldn't believe that an animated film could captivate me so much, but thanks to the setting and interesting characters, it's damn good stuff, with interesting animal mutations, beautiful colorful visuals, and a decent amount of jokes. A pleasantly spent hour and a half. Entertaining for everyone. Story****, Action****, Humor****, Violence>No, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Tension***. 8/10.


Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) 

English I was expecting worse based on the tragic reviews, but it's not that bad. The best part is at the very beginning, with the Olympic tournament of the Amazons, and it is captivating. Then the pace slows down significantly, and there is surprisingly little action for a comic book film, and even when it happens, it's not very impressive. But I enjoyed the idea of granting wishes, it kept me from getting bored, though Pedro Pascal failed to impress me with his acting for the first time. Had I seen it at the cinema, I would have left disappointed, but I watched it at home and it turned out to be okay. Story***, Action***, Humor**, Violence>No, Entertainment***, Music*****, Visual****, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 5.5/10.