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Recent reviews (98)


K-Town (2023) 

English I had high expectations, but they were not met. K-Town tries to be a comedy, but it's not funny, just like it wants to be an action crime film, but unfortunately it doesn't meet that either. The characters have illogical behaviors and are very naive. In fact, the whole fictional world doesn't make much sense and I'm not a fan. So this is a below average film that occasionally makes the corners twitch, but that's about it. The acting is very poor - the best was Tim Ahern, who ironically is the only foreign actor in the film. But the Norwegian audience, based on the comments after the screening, obviously liked the film. [TNIFFH 2023]


Practice (2023) 

English From the beginning of the film, I thought that debutant Laurens Pérol had a talent for telling stories about topical issues such as activism and ambition. But the opposite is true. The protagonist's 78-minute-long merry-go-round of stupid decisions took her exactly where I suspected she would from the 10th minute of the film. The entire film is basically her five-day hitchhiking trip to Oslo, in which the same thing is repeated, which means - no drama, no character development and no sympathy for the protagonist. I give one star to aspiring actress Kornelia Melsæter and the director for having the courage to tackle the combination of two important themes. [TNIFFH 2023]


Viktor vs. The World (2023) 

English A simple film with a simple premise depicts Victor, a man scarred by his mother's overprotective attitude. Stylized characters and bizarre situations are abundant in the film, so the fun, or at least the attention-grabbing, is taken care of. The film relies on certainties like work environment, love and family, making it an average film, but one that can also be very funny. There's no glory to be had, but the film is just right for an evening with a wine. [TNIFFH 2023]

Recent ratings (3,251)

Loveable (2024)


Tiny Lights (2024)


Night Has Come (2024)


The Alienated (2024)


Waves (2024)


Xoftex (2024)


Our Lovely Pig Slaughter (2024)


Panopticon (2024)


Actress (2024)



Recent diary (11)

58. KVIFF: V polovině festivalu

V Karlových Varech se znatelně ochladilo, a tak je teď pohyb venku mnohem příjemnější. Což velice vítám, protože konečně můžu vytáhnout i jiný outfit který se nebude skládat z kraťasů. Příjemné to tedy není večer, kdy už musí být člověk slušně nabalený, aby venku vydržel sedět déle než 10 minut. Diváků po vytíženém víkendu ubylo, přesto jsou kinosály stále plné a fronty dlouhé.

Nyní jsme již přesně v polovině festivalu, a do této chvíle, kdy píšu tento deníček, jsem viděl 13 filmů. Na první příčce se u mě drží Mádlovy Vlny, hned na druhé Martincův Mord. Jsem zvědav, zda tyto pozice během několika následujících dní obsadí jiné filmy, jelikož nás stále čeká mnoho premiérových projekcí. Například dnes mě ještě čeká norský snímek Až na věky a zítra singapurský thriller Na kordy.

58. KVIFF: V polovině festivalu