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Reviews (7,575)


Tokyo Vice - Read the Air (2022) (episode) 

English The third episode's plot noticeably kicked into gear. What I enjoyed most, though, was diving into Japanese customs – so different from the European and American ones. Finally, things were picking up, and the scene with the arrest was the highlight. I can imagine a lot of scenarios, but that was miles away from our usual circumstances. I had to replay that bit a few times to fully soak it in. Perfection. / Lesson learned: If you discover a hole in the ground and a wasp occasionally buzzes out, don't go pouring water in there. Trust me. I've been there.


Tokyo Vice - Kishi Kaisei (2022) (episode) 

English The show seems to be keeping a low profile, and I'm not talking about action scenes that are hardly even there. What's more concerning for me is the lack of significant story development in those fifty minutes. As I mentioned in my previous review, I'm a fan of Japanese culture, so I enjoy soaking in the local vibe. Other than that, I'm afraid this episode hasn't brought anything special to the viewer. But I'm still hopeful for an improvement in the next episode. / Lesson learned: Yakuza is not a hot tub. 3*-


Tokyo Vice - The Test (2022) (episode) 

English The first episode served as a typical introduction to the series; the creators introduced me to the main character, the setting, and the theme, and overall left me eager for more episodes. Initially, the main character didn't particularly impress me, but the setting was right up my alley, as I've long held a positive affinity for Japan. Particularly, I appreciate the original Japanese culture, though there's now a noticeable influx of foreign influences. Well, after the first episode, I'm hopeful that it could unfold well, and I might witness a series showcasing distinctive aspects of Japan. / Lesson learned: To understand the Japanese, change your way of thinking.


After Life - Episode 1 (2019) (episode) 

English Honestly, I'm surprised Netflix backed a project by Ricky Gervais and even allowed him to direct it; I can't help but wonder how many political correctness watchdogs kept an eye on him during filming. Tony's character resonates with me because that grumpy outlook aligns with my own :-) Plus, he populated the series with fantastic characters, and Netflix added the right hues, leaving me very content after the first episode. / Lesson learned: Avoid provoking someone who has nothing to lose.


Monster (2022) (series) 

English I was expecting this show to make a greater impression on me. While it couldn't surprise or shock me, as Jeffrey Dahmer's story is well-known, I was hoping to be blown away by the story’s execution, which just didn’t happen. It did have a very decent atmosphere overall, but it was slightly spoiled by the slow pace and Netflix politics. The biggest problem turned out to be the number of episodes, which made the story drag on. I can't help but feel that eight episodes with a more condensed plot would have been enough. I’d be more satisfied and give a higher rating. / Lesson learned: It does hold true that less is more.


Monster - God of Forgiveness, God of Vengeance (2022) (episode) 

English In the tenth episode, the creators rightfully highlight the flaws in the approach to criminals and their victims. However, I'm not entirely satisfied with the episode itself as it seemed superfluous (more on that in my review of the whole series). The characters can't seem to agree with each other about the concept of second chances. It's quite simple. I'm in favor of second chances but with certain conditions. Consider these questions: Would I give a second chance to a cancer tumor? No. Are serial killers the equivalent of such a tumor for me? Yes. So, in my perspective, the solution is clear — chemotherapy, a bit of radiation, and ultimately cut out and burn. But not to forget. / Lesson learned: It's interesting how the messenger of God can make an atheist happy.


Monster - The Bogeyman (2022) (episode) 

English The last two episodes felt like a Glenda sequel. Nevertheless, I found some interesting themes, such as perversion. When you mention perversion, some people may think of it as something to spice up your sex life. From my perspective, the creators perfectly summed up what perversion is in the ninth episode. Collecting personal items belonging to serial killers, souvenirs, and other merchandise inspired by their actions, is what I call perversion. And I don't even know what to think of women who fall in love with or become fans of serial killers.


Monster - Lionel (2022) (episode) 

English No, the verdict has already been passed, and given what I know about Dahmer, there weren't many significant events left in his life, so I'm confused as to why there are still two episodes left in the series. It's giving me concerns. Regarding the plot, I have two important notes. However, I must commend the creators for not forgetting about the victims, as this often happens all too frequently — not only in movies and TV shows but mainly in real life. Real victims of crimes receive very little support or attention.


How I Met Your Mother (2005) (series) 

English I liked this show a lot all those many years ago, but after two seasons it started losing its breath and went through a crisis of sorts. After Season 6, I gave up on watching it altogether. This year, I started reviewing shows I'd already seen, so I gave it another chance and made it to the end. I'm not going to lie; my frustration grew with each successive season, so I was really surprised that the final season wasn't the worst one. As I said, the first two seasons were okay, but the quality started to fade in the third season, and then it went downhill from there. But I hung in there and I’m truly proud of myself. / Lesson learned: It could have been way more legen...wait for it...dary!


How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 (2013) (season) 

English Season 9 was probably the least balanced one. The quality of the episodes flew up and down like a seismograph. The creators constantly alternated excellent ideas and jokes with pathetic to disastrous ones, often unable to resist recycling and ripping off themselves, which didn’t do the show any good. On the upside, they did manage to pull off both final episodes, so I’m willing to go as high as two stars. / Lesson learned: A wedding weekend can get pretty damn long sometimes.