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Reviews (3,449)


Headless (2015) 

English A very mean, dirty, extremely violent film with a retro 70's look with an even more perverted maniac in a negative role. I love gore, but it was definitely not fun here, very unpleasant for me, hard to digest, eyeballs are eaten, heads are fucked, nipples are cut, legs are cut, no torture on a high level and quite believable within the budget, but without a story, even without proper dialogue, I can't say I had a royal time. Only for connoisseurs.


Warsaw 1944 (2014) 

English For all the crap we give the Poles, they have nothing to be ashamed of in this film. City 44 is one of the most realistic war films in a long time, truly authentic footage, often quite gritty (the scene where human entrails fall from the nuns from the sky after the explosion in the church is epic). The action is good, nicely shot, atmospheric at times (the scene in the sewer is hypnotically horrific), so the Poles obviously wanted to make the most of this one, there are a few Hollywood influenced scenes (various slow motion scenes, or a romantic scene with flexible bullets). Very effective.


Dragon Blade (2015) 

English I didn't really want to watch this film, but in the end I'm pleasantly surprised. It suited me much more than the Korean historical blockbusters of last year. The film has unexpectedly good cast, with the great Jackie Chan, John Cusack, and the famed Adrien Brody, who is such an evil and stern leader that you wish him dead from the first second. There is plenty of action and it is very decent, with nice one-on-one fights that are decently choreographed, long, tasteful and quite gritty although blood is scarce. The finale is quite epic, with multiple nations coming together, and anyone who has played the PC game “Stronghold” will experience a pleasant warmth at the heart. For me great satisfaction, fun from beginning to end without any deaf spots. 80%


The Reach (2014) 

English An enjoyable survival film with two likeable actors. Michael Douglas as the bad guy enjoys the role perfectly and it suits him (more roles like this!). The plot is more or less simple, but that absolutely doesn't matter, because the film manages to grab your attention with other attributes, such as the harsh desert landscape and decent atmosphere. For my taste, the film is not very violent and there could have been more flourishes, which I consider the only major downside. Surprising finale. 65%.


The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story (1993) 

English I'm slapping myself for putting the film off for so long!! The Untold Story is not only the most brutal horror film from Hong Kong, but also the most brutal horror film of the 90s, more or less a prequel to Macabre!! Anthony Wong is brilliant here, the guy was born to play these roles of crazy psychopath, murderer or maniac, it suits him perfectly. The film features some excellent sequences, which I will never forget, such as the scene in prison, where the main character gets his ass kicked, bullying of the deepest grain, or the very end, where they show the massacre of a whole family, including four children, who are then cut into pieces, all on camera!! So this is both very daring considering the time it was made and a great mockery of all the censored horror films of the 80s and 90s. A legitimate cult film. 9/10


Don't Torture a Duckling (1972) 

English Although Lucio Fulci is a well-known horror veteran and became famous mainly for his decent gore scenes, this film has none, so there is not the slightest enthusiasm and Fulci disappointed me. I quite like the giallo sub-genre, it is almost identical to the slasher sub-genre, which is all about entertainment, this film is unfortunately quite boring, slow and without blood and without exposed women, the only shocking thing here is that young boys die, even the twist itself I didn't find very shocking, so for me a very average detective story that doesn't deserve to carry the label horror. 50%


Blood and Black Lace (1964) 

English Today, it's only a 3*, but looking at the year it was made, I'd be very unfair not to give it a 4, because the final twist, the reveal of the killer, his mask and manoeuvres are still truly breathtaking even today. On the other hand, there is a lack of nudity while the women are classically gorgeous, an absence of blood (the murders usually end in strangulation), so I'm not completely enthralled, but compared to the cult-classic Halloween, I a lot more fun here.


The House That Dripped Blood (1971) 

English I'm very strict with my ratings on older horror films, but here I have to overrate, this is definitely one of the best anthology horror films ever. Surprisingly none of the stories have gore or scares, but you can tell there are very intelligent people behind this and every single story has a perfect final twist that it will make your throat dry. The highlight is the third story that combines witchcraft with an evil child, an excellent idea. It sizzles with tension throughout and there's no shortage of dark humor at times. Original, intelligent, suspenseful, entertaining, great. 85%.


Dog Day (1984) 

English As a rednecks fan, I have to give this a decent four stars, it's freaky as hell. The village, the wacky family and the gangsters, everybody's horny, everybody's getting it on with everybody else, the redneck wisecracks, the redneck habits and a bit of perversity, well I just had fun. I was most impressed with the character of the young boy, he was maybe Oscar-worthy, he was an unbelievable brat, but I enjoyed him, the scene where he's hitting on the prostitutes is very funny. Towards the end the film also culminates in a pretty decent massacre, so there's not much to complain about either, the film offers exactly what it should, it's just a pity it's not a horror film, because I missed a bit of the redneck perversion like rape or torture. 75%


Torso (1973) 

English A very decent giallo by Sergio Martino. The whole film is very erotic to the point of being arousing, some of you will want to hit the streets in a horny mood after the film, the breasts of every lady are perfect. The killer has a decent mask and doesn't mess with his victims, although again I found the gore too unsatisfying, but here I was able to tolerate it due to the ever-present tension. The reveal of the killer and the finale are quite nerve-wracking. 80%