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Reviews (3,449)


The House That Screamed (1969) 

English The House That Screamed is a very good film for its year. I love boarding school films, so here we have the privilege of seeing beautiful ladies dressed up the whole film, and the shower scene was a decent touch, but anyway, I was pleased with the very unpredictable deaths of the characters and especially the shocking and breathtaking ending, which I absolutely did not expect. A little bit of giallo a lot of gothic and it suited me perfectly.


Horror Rises from the Tomb (1973) 

English It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything to freak out about either. I stand by my opinion that old horror movies can do an honest atmosphere and have a decent feel, but when it comes to gore and killing, they just fall flat on that front. If someone gets excited by the tempera colours, okay your choice, plus almost everyone here is so insanely overacting, characters die after a small scratch or barely a touch, nowadays you have to take the bad guy down three times and he still gets up, this bothers me madly and I can't get over it. It's not boring, it's an original revenge flick, but in terms of gore I find it unsatisfying. 55%.


The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974) 

English Weird horror movie. I don't really like zombie horror movies especially the old ones, after all a notoriously wandering corpse doesn't scare much and doesn't bring much suspense either. Here there were actually only four zombies, so this is a very small horror movie, but fortunately it has an original idea and a very shocking and sad ending, but in terms of horror rather average, gore is also scarce. 60%


Daredevil (2015) (series) 

English An impressive series, exactly to my taste, it makes my heart rate go up, my hair stand on end, and I grow old. Combining the dark corners of New York full of Russian mafia and corporations with a lawyer is tailor-made for me, and as a bonus there’s lots of blood and decent action, what more could you ask for (Marvel is not afraid of open fractures, heads being ripped off through car doors, or heads being smashed with bowling balls). Charlie Cox is likeable, his voice is chill-inducing and his skills and knowledge are admirable. The series keeps a decent pace throughout, supported by intelligent dialogue and a bleak atmosphere. I highly recommend it to anyone who is attracted to the following attributes in movies: mafia, drugs, hot chicks, corrupt cops, perfectly choreographed fights, thought-provoking dialogue and musings, trials, investigations, journalism, brutality and dark atmosphere, you won't have anything to complain about. If you don’t watch it you don’t exist.


Orca: Killer Whale (1977) 

English Incredibly cool stuff. I can't believe my eyes that in 1977 someone could make such an admirably well made animal horror film with a killer whale that isn't even digital, plush, paper or plastic, but alive! The whole film has a great atmosphere, a nice pace, even a pretty decent death. What impressed me the most was the opening five-minute speech at the lecture about killer whales, which even makes you more intelligent. 80%


Trapped (1982) 

English I have a real soft spot for rednecks, and this movie is one redneck after another, so I can't complain. The whole movie carries a decent atmosphere, there’s not much in terns of gore, but it's fun and properly "hillbilly" 70%.


Last Knights (2015) 

English I was looking forward to it so much, and in the end it was only a three. The film can't be denied an interesting story, nice visuals, fine actors (Clive Owen is great here), but I am not too happy with the pace and the action. It's quite unbalanced, the action is mostly at the beginning and at the end, which is a shame, not that I was bored during the film, but I missed some moment that would have kicked up to a four stars. A strong three 65%


The Dead Lands (2014) 

English I'm on the fence with the rating, but since I haven't seen anything of quality from a similar subgenre in a while I'm leaning towards a four. The film does have a distinctive atmosphere, beautiful locations, fine visuals, great bad guys and, most importantly, rawness, drive and decent brutality. There could have been a bit more action, but it’s still decent. 70%


When the Screaming Stops (1974) 

English This film wouldn't stand up too well nowadays, but considering the time it was made, I have to say that even though the monster is rubber, it's cleverly hidden by the cameraman, it can even make you tense with its claw, which tears apart especially pretty women, so there’s some decent gore and no shortage of pretty women. I wasn't bored, I wasn't ashamed and I didn't care, so the four stars on are warranted. 70%


The Unseen (1980) 

English Very nice surprise. From older horror films, it’s the unfamiliar stuff that surprisingly fits me, and even though there’s not much gore here, I had fun thanks to the beautiful main character, the well built tension, and the final act in particular will please many a horror eye thanks to the decent sleazball from the basement. 70%