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Reviews (3,449)


The Night of the Sunflowers (2006) 

English An excellent first half, with rednecks, strange characters, a believable rape, decent villain, but after the first big twist all the fun ends and dragging boredom set in, very hard to describe. In short, I had great difficulty keeping my attention in the second half, the overwhelmingly slow pace and uninteresting finale brings the film down to average, so in the end it is more of a crime thriller than an intense and explosive spectacle. 55%


Runaway Jury (2003) 

English Another in a long line of excellent legal thrillers. A solid cast is almost a cliché in films like this, here it's surprisingly pulled up by the great John Cusack as the juror and the excellent Dustin Hoffman as the defense attorney, Rachel Weisz didn't have as much space, but the girl is solid. Surprisingly, the plot revolves around the jury, which is unprecedented and original in these films. On the other hand, the uninteresting case is slightly disappointing and thus drains the emotion and cheering, otherwise, satisfaction. 75%


Big Nothing (2006) 

English A solid black-humor thriller. One of the most intricate and attractive scripts in this genre ever. Not only is the central trio entertaining in their own right, the excellent one-liners and unpredictable twists and turns appearing every five minutes are a delight, you are literally shocked and fascinated by the screenwriting pearls the director pulls out and I swallowed the film with a gulp. I have a soft spot for films like this. 90%.


Focus (2015) 

English Yesterday I wouldn't have believed myself to go to the cinema to see a film with the label comedy/crime/romance/drama and today I feel like going to see it again, because I haven't seen a more entertaining film since Kingsman this year. Incredibly funny, entertaining, well acted, very cleverly written and damn stylish. The whole thing is one big con that fucks with everyone in the film as well as the viewer and it works out great. The whole organization works more than successfully, Will Smith gives the ultimate performance, I don't remember him in this form, and the final twist is one of the best I've ever had the chance to see. It's an adrenaline rush that you instantly fall in love with and love the film immediately. You won't find a more beautiful and entertaining film involving thievery, pickpocketing and fraud. A gem. 100%.


Tazza: The Hidden Card (2014) 

English An amazing Korean flick after a long time. At first I was worried, after all 140 minutes is quite long, but this film draws the viewer in from the first second and doesn't let go until the end. The film has a very stylish look, likable characters, beautiful girls, one fantastic car chase and a great fight with some low-key camera work, a certain level of brutality, decent twists and turns, a solid adrenaline rush during the games and a wonderfully paced finale. I didn't really understand the game, but I was intrigued nonetheless. The whole movie is mostly about the best gamblers and anyone who likes gambling can't miss this movie. A pleasant surprise. 80%.


The Guard Post (2008) 

English Weird movie, I like horror movies about a closed okace with a group of people, soldiers in this case, and there is an aggressive virus that makes them kill each other. The film even has a high budget, perfect gore scenes, fine action, cool make-up effects, but the two hour running time hurts the film. There were a few deaf spots, the suspense was also very lacking here, so because of the pacing I didn't enjoy the film much, which is a shame. Formally a very decent affair. 60%


Red Nights (2010) 

English This modern giallo from three attractive locations turned out more than great. The film has stunning visuals, great cinematography, perfect colors, the interiors are all breathtaking, there are hot chicks in the cast, a Hong Kong feminist leads the cast with a very original murder weapon, and the film also very certainly depicts very clear, detailed and tasty gore scenes that are bound to please any horror fan. The whole film is very sexy and stylish, my cup of tea, really. 80%.


The Pyramid (2014) 

English Satisfaction. A brisk, atmospheric and very nicely shot horror film with an attractive setting that gets going very quickly. The atmosphere thickens decently throughout the film, the music builds up perfectly (the scene with the falling sand or in the tunnel is as thrilling as a porn actress' thong), and I was also pleased with one intense jump scare. I also liked the decent dialogue concerning Egyptian history, for which I have a great fondness. My only regret is that there was no mummy or scarabs here, but maybe in the sequel ;) Headphones for better effect are a must. 70%


Voice of a Murderer (2007) 

English Hm I'm very conflicted that such a decent film didn't offer more. The whole film maintains a sort of mediocre standard, a slower pace, not much suspense, not much action at all, so really more just drama. But in the last 15 minutes the film pulls some decent aces out of its sleeve, not only throwing out a perfect and shocking twist, but also an emotional charge coupled with an excellent performance by the father who sums it all up in the news with the whole world watching, followed by a recording of a real killer from 1991 who was never caught for his crime. Yeah, that's gonna get the audience pretty depressed. The goosebumps at the end are inevitable. 70%.


Cub (2014) 

English This highly anticipated horror film with an excellent trailer ends up being rather bland and lackluster. It offers beautiful scenery, interesting traps, a beautiful mask of the bad guy, a brave and likeable protagonist, but it doesn't offer much in the way of horror, the murders are quite inventive but not very bloody or shocking, it's more of an adventure "fun". A solid performance for Belgium for sure, but for diehard fans Welp doesn't reward too much. 2* is not deserved for such a beautifully shot horror film and for 4* it is not consistent enough in the killings. 65%