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Reviews (3,449)


Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) 

English I knew from the first minute that this film was going to be a five-star affair, but I had no idea that after watching it, it would become an instant favourite and the best film ever made, on par with The Dark Knight and The Raid 2. A brilliant, precise and high quality film in every aspect, yes every single cinematic part here is pedaling at 150%. The highlights: attractive and original visuals, an excellent idea, authentic and original cinematography that draws the viewer into the story, perfect acting (Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Hamil and that irresistible evil babe with very sharp high heels), polished dialogues that are witty, blackly humorous, intelligent with lots of interesting wisdom, lessons and moral principles, and, above all, absolutely TOP NOTCH classy action that is breathtaking, ass-clenching, heart-jumping and erection-inducing! I must also praise the very well chosen soundtrack for every single scene, the amazing gradual build-up of tension, the literally heart attack inducing moments (the countdown to the end of humanity, the parachute jump, the perfect training), and most of all the originality. The film is bursting with one idea after another; it’s unbelievable that in this day and age someone can make a film where every scene, every invention, every single action set-piece is brand new, original, distinctive... and for horror buffs, there's plenty of blood and violence. I must urge all my friends to go to the cinema. Unless you are a curmudgeon, a nerd, a rabble, a universally hated entity and a village scum you will be as satisfied as I am. There hasn't been a more entertaining movie in years. Seen twice already and soon for the third time. 1000%!!!


The Taking of Tiger Mountain (2014) 

English Historical-war blockbuster from China. Visually the film is very captivating and original, some of the scenes are very well done (the tiger scene, the over the top final scene with the plane or the shootout on skis). Sometimes there is digital blood and sometimes there is some slow motion or 3D effect, so it is definitely something to watch. The characters are very special, every single character here has charisma and is easy to remember (I enjoyed the villain a lot), but 140 minutes was unfortunately too much for me. Boredom didn't set in, but I wasn't tense as a string for the whole thing, which I don't like. Story-wise, the film is more interesting for history buffs. I still feel it lacked a little something for a higher rating, but it's not bad. 65%.


Greatful Dead (2013) 

English I didn't like it. When the Japanese make exploitation, it's like having marinated fish served with sugar. Technically the film is okay, but it takes an hour to get going, so it's quite yawn-inducing. The last half hour gets a bit more intense and there is some violence, but the whole thing feels so unbelievable. The gore doesn't look too bad, but the actors absolutely ruin it. I've never seen such a bored person who wants to kill another, just the facial expression makes it clear that the actor was violently forced to pull the hammer. It looks forced in places and it's not far from a parody. Over-hyped, festival bollocks. 40%.


Girl House (2014) 

English Well, it's definitely decided, the best horror film of the year so far is here and I don't think we will see a better slasher this year. Who would have expected such a low-key poster and unoriginal title to produce such a superb affair. The Recent dud Wyrmwood can go cry in a corner without question. The first hour is very impressive, the beautiful girls monitored non-stop in the villa, so there is no shortage of stripping, provocation, seduction and eye-pleasing nudity! Then the decent terror begins, led by an excellent villain like a modern Leatherface (I'm not kidding, the mask, the movements, the reactions, I was only waiting for when he pulls a chainsaw out from behind his back) who gets angry and takes everything into his own hands. From this point on, the ultimate ride begins, one with pace and, although not all the murders are as juicy and bloody as they could be, none of them offend. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. 80%.


Cruel & Unusual (2014) 

English A solid psycho thriller. An excellent premise that is very complex, dark and convoluted, but gradually everything is beautifully explained like a puzzle – you have be constantly on the alert. Although I don't like these conversational movies much, here I had a decent time, was pleasantly shocked a couple of times, plus these retrospective themes suit me very well. I can only recommend it. 75%


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014) 

English Hunger games without the games. Relatively slow pace and two hours of melodrama without any benefit. I found the visuals too mediocre for such a high budget, and slightly digital (compared to Divergent, which was beautifully visually varied and exciting from start to finish, Mockingjay - Part 1 is severely lacking). For me, kind of unsatisfying in almost every aspect. Average and the weakest episode, let's see what the finale has to say. 55%


John Doe: Vigilante (2014) 

English Very good. A violent, dark, gritty and uncompromising thriller with an excellent lead character who has a decent body count, making the film a thrilling manhunt from Australia. The finale is a treat. A must see affair if you love serial killers. 75%


Wyrmwood (2014) 

English Hey nigga what was the budget, 100 dollars huh? Fuck you!! Intellectuals are surprisingly excitedly tickling their balls, but the reason is unknown. The eternally criticised aspects in today's horror films such as illogical character behaviour, a script written on the back of a napkin, or the complete lack of atmosphere are surprisingly not criticised here. I'd also love to get the stuff that almost everyone gets when they watch this absurdity. However, I'm going to criticize something else entirely, which is primarily the very inappropriate, amateurish, at times almost unwatchable look with very awkward costumes, also very unlikeable characters, dysfunctional humour and corny one-liners. The zombie make-up effects are horrible with digital smoke evaporating from the mouths. And the gore wasn't even there, no I won't consider the half hour of After Effects work as excellent when it was botched, ketchup instead of blood, well, just insolence of the highest caliber. A 1970's movie, considering this is 2015. I felt embarrassed. The gore is crap, the visuals are crap, the characters and zombies are crap, everything is crap. Crap. 30%


Into the Grizzly Maze (2015) 

English Satisfaction. A solid eco-survival film with the best cast ever seen in horror in the last ten years. The bear is more than fine, his roar is goosebump-inducing and it appears on screen very often, which is a plus. I also liked the attractive setting, the decent look, the decent amount of suspense and the bit of gore (they could have pushed the envelope more in this regard, but other elements made up for it for me). The absolute highlight is the ripped face of Billy Bob Thornton and the finale, which has quite the balls (not counting one very inappropriate digital scene). A recommendation worthy affair and the best horror film of the year so far. 75%.


Jupiter Ascending (2015) 

English What a mess. I have yet to give such a "big", expensive movie with decent visual effects only an average rating. The film a rip-off a lot of other bigger sci-fi movies (Star Wars, Total Recall, The X-Files), the script is very mediocre, suffering mainly from lack of one-liners, Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis are surprisingly cool, but all the other supporting characters were annoying, such a lot of creepy and unlikeable actors together is hard to see, and even though the visuals are quite nice, the action is absolutely uninteresting, unengaging and unfortunately boring. Watching Tatum skating through the sky, pulling out a ridiculous shield and shooting was a bit too much for me. If at least the three interesting bad guys shown at the beginning were given more space, I'd be willing to shoot for a third star, but since they disappeared from the film without a fight, I'll be strict. Disappointing, bad taste in the mouth and the weakest cinema film so far. 45%