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Reviews (3,449)


Let Us Prey (2014) 

English After Clown and Girlhouse, this is the best thing yet. Let Us Prey is a damn stylish affair with amazing cinematography and visuals, a perfect soundtrack, beautiful sound design and a nice idea, even if it slightly copies The Traveler. The final half an hour erupts into a solid action inferno where no one is spared, and it had me almost going crazy with the tension and breathtaking atmosphere, sweating and even satisfying my taste buds with some decent brutal shots. Apart from the really annoying Irish/Scottish accent and a very convoluted story, I'm pleasantly surprised. 75%


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) 

English It may be a classic, but it didn't grab me by the heart or balls. Unfortunately, it took my five days to watch this film because I fell asleep four times, which doesn't bode well. Moreover, I wholeheartedly hate when someone flies on trees or rooftops, I follow the rule of no gravity-no fun and here it irritated me a lot. The choreography is top-notch, the final female fight is definitely the best thing in the film, but as soon as someone flies to a roof after a fight, the great impression is instantly spoiled and everything is more ridiculous than spectacular. 60%


Sword of Vengeance (2015) 

English Not much. Naive, with hardly story, and very cheap and dull visuals with a grey filter, so you couldn't even see much blood. The tension and atmosphere don’t work at all, the pace is slow, not much is even said, so apart from the main hero, there's not much to praise. I was expecting a lot more carnage, this is a very light and low impact. 50%


Backcountry (2014) 

English It is impossible to avoid a slight disappointment, because it is far from being a survival drama with a bear as I suppose we all thought. The bear is only here for 15 minutes, it looks very nice and the brutal attack on the tent has a perfect atmosphere, and the beautiful representation of human entrails is a pleasure, but that's all. At least the film has beautiful scenery, is decently shot, and even though mostly nothing happens, it doesn't bore and leaves you in anticipation. IT was nice the likeable couple were nicely equipped (first-aid kit, bear spray, flares), the mysterious stranger was pretty freaky, but that he didn't show up in the film anymore I take as a big minus, the guy could have caused a decent mess. The finale was more or less not even there, it ends unfinished and I hate that. But 60%, and the build up to a fourth star was there, but I can’t forgive the ending with no duel, no fights and no climax.


The Wicker Man (1973) 

English I loved this. Wicker Man is definitely a rarity that surprises the viewer even today after several years. A policeman arrives on an island to investigate the disappearance of a little girl, but everyone on the island is in denial and no one is willing to reveal anything. As time goes on very strange things happen on the island, and this one suits me perfectly. The strange inhabitants, the strange traditions, the nice final twist and especially the eagerness and unpredictability accompanying the whole film keeps the viewer constantly on the lookout. One of the few older films that doesn't use shameful effects and the impact on the viewer is very strong. 75%


The Gunman (2015) 

English I'm satisfied. Gunman is a decent action genre film, not bringing anything new, but it's great to watch thanks to the perfect cast, the solid R-rated action, the nice location and an interesting story. The only thing I would criticize is that the film doesn't maintain a nonstop adrenaline pace and lacks a decent twist, but there is no danger of boredom. The final knife duel and the disposal in the building is a treat, and Sean Penn is excellent here. Definitely only for fans of the genre, let the others polish their balls with Birdman. 75%


Spring (2014) 

English A strange film with an even stranger ending. Actually there is no horror to praise here, no gore, no atmosphere, no suspense, no scares, the visuals are also mediocre, but thanks to the really sexy main character and the originality I had no problems to watch the film to the end. The third star is rather for one small example of a nice transformation that is sure to captivate. The potential given the theme was much higher. 55%.


Chappie (2015) 

English Those who like Neil Blomkamp's style will love Chappie and even want to be friends with him. The film beautifully illustrates the problems of today's society and what it is like to bring life into the wrong hands. The very ugly and unlikeable villains, the ugly and dirty housing estates, the landscape, all come across as very ugly and you tell yourself I wouldn't want to spend the night in this ghetto. Fortunately, Chappie is a sweetheart, cute, sweet, innocent you can't help but love him, so the empathy works 150%, and many times you want to shed a tear. The action is decent (even bloody a couple of times), accompanied by a great soundtrack by Hans Zimmer, the humour and the emotions work here, so for me a really decent film with a very nicely thought out ending. Even though it's more of a grittier fairy tale, it's great to watch and there will be a sequel will be here, of course. 80%


Full Contact (1992) 

English Excellent stuff. The perfect acting trio of Chow Yun-fat, Simon Yam and Anthony Wong pull this B-action flick very high. The story is quite ordinary but it has great action, lots of blood, great cinematography, a fine pacing, a perfect bunch of bad guys, precision work for the 90s. 80%.


Bangkok Dangerous (2000) 

English It's a pity, I expected the film to be about snipers and the main character only holds a sniper rifle once in the whole film and he is deaf and dumb, which bothers me a lot when the main character (a gangster) can't drop any wisecracks in the whole film. The romantic insert also bothered me a lot, it took away from the pace. On the other hand, I'm surprised by the rather good visuals considering the age of the film and the decent bloody finale, but it's not enough for more than 3 stars.